Monday, 12 July 2010
iRenew Review And Energy Medicine
The idea is that we become ill when our bodies invisible energy system becomes unbalanced and that by practising certain drills and exercises we can help the body re-balance itself and therefore help it heal itself.
Traditional methods include Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Chinese Herbal Medicine and Energy Medicine self help books from authors such as Donna Eden.
The iRenew is a modern twist on this ancient art form. The makers claim this bracelet if worn regulary can help give you more energy, better flexibility and better balance in your life.
I've written more about the iRenew Reviews and the differences between it and traditional Chinese medicine.
If you'd like to discover which method would suit you best why not take a look by clicking the link above.
Friday, 27 March 2009
Personal Trainer Hull

As a busy mother and wife I've not really had as much time to spend on my Personal Training Hull business as I would have liked :(
The good news is that now my daughter is older I have some more time now and am in the position to take on a few more clients :)
This will only be of interest to you if you live in the Hull and East Yorkshire local area. So if you've always wanted to get that slim and sexy body but have been putting it off for the right time then act now! Let me show you that with some simple lifestyle and exercise changes that slim person could be you!
To discover more about my Personal Training Hull business please follow the link.
All the best,
Carol J Bartram
(Personal Trainer)
Monday, 11 August 2008
Have you had a Shoulder Tear?
Have you had a Shoulder Tear?
If you have suffered a shoulder tear then you will know all about it! You will most definitely feel shoulder pain and probably neck pain as well; everyday movements such as brushing hair or getting dressed will range from the uncomfortable to the excruciating.A shoulder tear will occur if one of the muscles around the shoulder joint is damaged. Most clients tell me they “felt it go”, which means some of the fibres in the shoulder muscles themselves (deltoids) have been damaged, resulting in bleeding within the muscle and subsequent inflammation and pain. This is the body’s way of dealing with an injury; inflammation to protect and clean the area of any infection, and pain and swelling so that you’ll keep still and rest the muscle until the body figures out how bad the damage is. Your immune system is clever! Never continue to exercise through pain – you may make the problem much worse and it will take longer to heal.
If my client has been using Shoulder Press machines at the gym, or working with free weights, I would test for damage to the deltoid muscles. These muscles sit on the top of you shoulders rather like epaulettes on a uniform, and are involved in all arm and shoulder movements except bringing the arms in towards the body. So, if you raise your arms out to the sides in a crucifix-type position, the deltoids are working. For bringing your arms back to your sides, the deltoids are relaxed.
If, however, my client has been playing a racquet game or taking part in a circuits class, I would suspect damage to the Rotator Cuff. This is a group of 4 small muscles that are involved in inwards and outwards rotation of the shoulder – hence the name. So a backhand in tennis or a forward smash hit from a squash player would have me testing for Rotator Cuff injury.
The initial treatment is the usual advice; Rest and Ice. I’d usually add Compression and Elevation to that, but you can’t compress the shoulder, and it’s already elevated! Any worrying symptoms, such as numbness or tingling, and you should go to see your health professional as soon as possible.
All the best,
Carol J Bartram
(Sports Therapist, Personal Trainer & Pilates Instructor)
Technorati Tags: shoulder tear, rotator cuff
Wednesday, 16 May 2007
Get relief from sciatica
If you want to get relief from sciatica try the following:
- Heat and ice can be applied 3 to 4 times a day.
- Walk - don't just lie in bed!
- Go to Pilates classes (after seeking medical advice)
- Learn how to stretch (get a pilates instructor to show you how to stretch)
If you have sciatica inactivity is the very worst thing you can do. Get moving!
All the best,
Technorati Tags: get relief from sciatica, sciatica
Sunday, 28 January 2007
Alternative treatments for shoulder pain
Another article I thought you might be interested in.
Traditional treatments for pain for the most part rely on drugs or
surgical intervention. This article goes to show that alternative treatments such as acupuncture can work when all else fails.
The advantage of this type of treatment is that it “does no harm” so if it doesn’t work for you it only costs you a small amount of money. Drug interventions on the other hand do have many side effects, can be addictive and can “do harm”.
All the best,
CarolAcupuncture, chiropractic services offer treatment options Staunton News Leader, VA - Acupuncture is applied to nerve injuries, inflammatory conditions, headaches, fibromyalgia, shoulder pain, knee pain, neck pain, lower back pain and as an ... |
technorati tags:alternative, acupuncture, pain, shoulder
Thursday, 25 January 2007
Pilates can help with shoulder pain
As a Pilates instructor I found the following article of interest.
I know from my own clients who suffer from shoulder pain most if not all benefit from regular Pilates classes.
Pilates-based or Dance Therapy
The Dance medicine program at the Center for Sports Medicine is not just for dancers! Pilates has proven beneficial for persons with shoulder pain as a method to avoid surgery, prepare for surgery or rehabilitate after surgery. Pilates rehabilitation and conditioning programs, using apparatus based on the designs and philosophies of Joseph Pilates, improve one's flexibility and balance, increase joint support through core strength and provide for freer, pain-free movement.
Computer use can give you more than a pain in the neck
If you use a computer on a regular basis and suffer neck or shoulder pain the following article may be of interest to you. Poor posture whilst working on the computer is almost always going to cause you problems in the long term. Learning how to sit correctly while working is therefore essential.
Neck or shoulder pain? Try these 10 healthy computing tips
If working on the computer is becoming a pain in the neck, it might be time to rearrange your work area and change some of your computer habits. Start the new year off right by following these simple suggestions for healthy computing.
Another reason to empty that purse!
Although obvious how many of us carry heavy handbags or purses over our shoulders?
We should all be aware that carrying any heavy object that unbalances us is likely to cause problems and not only to our shoulders.
Heavy Handbags Causing Health Problems KUTV, UT - "People come in frequently complaining of neck pain, shoulder pain, secondary to carrying oversized bags," said Dr. Jennifer Solomon, sports injury ... |
Hello to How to deal with shoulder pain
I am a qualified Massage Therapist, Personal Trainer and Pilates Instructor.
I shall be bringing you the latest news and research into shoulder pain what causes it and what you can do help it.
See you soon.